Report Writing for Council
Report writing for Council requires an understanding of the political process and an ability to build trust. Learn how to present your expert advice in an objective, considered way and build confidence in elected officials to make effective decisions for their communities.
3 half-days
You’ll learn how to
Ask questions of your governance team or manager to ensure you provide relevant, actionable recommendations
Use the latest neuroscience on reading behaviour to build a report that is easy to navigate and understand
Use the latest research from linguistics to communicate your complex ideas simply to all readers
Write in inclusive, Plain Language that represents your Council well
Use punctuation, sentence types and paragraph structure to direct your reader’s focus
Write objective, qualified recommendations that foster trust and support effective decision-making by Council
You’ll be introduced to
Current best-practice reporting exemplars
N.Z.’s Plain Language Law and how it affects you
The latest neuroscience on reading behaviour
The latest research from linguistics on how language controls understanding
Your Instructor
Morag MacTaggart
Morag has coached and trained workplace writers from all spheres, from senior executives to staff that spend most of their day in the field. She has worked alongside large corporates, local and regional government, not for profits, and small businesses.
With over twenty-five years’ English teaching experience, Morag brings an extensive understanding of the best ways to foster active learning. Her lively approach coupled with plenty of laughter builds a constructive learning environment. From here, new skill acquisition and, most importantly, lasting change can take place.